Starting the basic template
Go to "Project -> New Project" and choose an “AS3 Project”.
Browse to the games folder and go to src subfolder:
Extract the flixel engine there, which is in the "org" folder.
Now, put this code on the
package { /** * ... * @author pisces_eyes */ import org.flixel.*; import; [SWF(width = "640", height = "480", backgroundColor = "#000000")] [Frame(factoryClass="Preloader")] public class Main extends FlxGame { public function Main():void { super(640, 480, MenuState, 1); } } }
Put this code on
package { /** * ... * @author pisces_eyes */ import org.flixel.FlxPreloader; public class Preloader extends FlxPreloader { public function Preloader() { className = "Main"; super(); } } }
Create a new folder inside the same "src" folder named "com\game".
Under the com\game folder, create 2 new files:" and":
package { /** * ... * @author pisces_eyes */ import flash.ui.Mouse; import org.flixel.*; public class MenuState extends FlxState { override public function create():void { var txt:FlxText txt = new FlxText(0, (FlxG.height / 2) - 32, FlxG.width, "Flixel Empty Game\n(MenuState)") txt.setFormat(null,32,0xFFFFFFFF,"center") this.add(txt); txt = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height - 32, FlxG.width, "CLICK OR PRESS X TO START") txt.setFormat(null, 16, 0xFFFFFFFF, "center"); this.add(txt); } override public function update():void { if (FlxG.keys.pressed("X") || FlxG.mouse.justPressed()) { FlxG.flash.start(0xffffffff, 0.75); FlxG.fade.start(0xff000000, 1, onFade); }; super.update(); } private function onFade():void { FlxG.state = new PlayState(); } } }
package { /** * ... * @author pisces_eyes */ import flash.ui.Mouse; import org.flixel.*; public class PlayState extends FlxState { override public function create():void { var txt:FlxText txt = new FlxText(0, (FlxG.height / 2) - 32, FlxG.width, "(PlayState)") txt.setFormat(null,32,0xFFFFFFFF,"center") this.add(txt); } override public function update():void { super.update();; } } }
Now set as your startup object and run.
Go back to Introduction
Fantastic post. This has really helped me to set-up my FlashDevelop files to a default template sort of state that I can use for all my work. Cheers!
I think the library has changed since this article was posted. I found the following issues.
1 override public function update():void
2 {
3 if (FlxG.keys.pressed("X") || FlxG.mouse.justPressed())
4 {
5 FlxG.flash.start(0xffffffff, 0.75);
6 FlxG.fade.start(0xff000000, 1, onFade);
7 }
11 super.update();
12 }
14 private function onFade():void
15 {
16 FlxG.state = new PlayState();
17 }
on line 5 flash is a function, it has no property start, so, remove the .
on line 6 fade ia a function, do the same as above. In this same line onFade is a callback and is a method of this class, change it to this.onFade, if the game does not change states.
on line 16 state is a read-only property, so in order for the code to work replace this line with Flx.switchState(new PlayState());
That's it...
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